S A Armour Corps


The Flame of the Armour Burns Forever
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  South African Armour Home Page

Welcome to the Unofficial Website of the South African Armour Community

This is the Cyber home of the South African Armour Veterans and the History of the South African Armour Corps

The Purpose of this website is to preserve the heritage and history and to provide an information service about the South African Armour Corps.

The information on this website is brief and concise and further information can be sourced from the Official Museum of the South African Armour Corps through the research library or even visiting the museum itself.

As the website is new and information is scarce much of the information that is displayed is what we have been able to source from all means available.

We trust that you will enjoy browsing through this site and also help to further develop the site so that we will have the correct information for generations to come.

The Flame of the Armour will always Burn Brightly in our hearts.
This is a listing of REGULAR, RESERVE and CLOSED units of the South African Armour Corps, containing details of each unit's History, Officers Commanding, RSM, Insignia and Customs. More...
These are some of the armaments used by the South African Armour Corps More...
History | Customs | Codes | Symbols | Song | Prayer | Armour games | Important dates | Remembrance | FAQ |
Detailed information about the South African Armour Corps, its history, customs, dates, remembrance and more. More...
Newsletter | Association | Guest book |
This site is dedicated to the members that served in the South African Armour Corps, past and present. Here we can share information, photographs and memories. Membership is free. More...
This is a collection of images received from our members. Should you feel that we are infringing on your copyright, please let us know and we will give you credit for it or remove the image in questio... More...
Stay informed of upcoming events More...
An exterior display of Armoured Fighting Vehicles (within the lines of the School of Armour and 1 SA Tank Regiment). A vehicle hanger with several restored vehicles in running order, a National Monume... More...
This is a list of related military websites More...
Full listing of contact details for all units More...
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